Monday, February 4, 2013

Couldn't Resist.

Sweet baby Jesus...

Sometimes I see things that make me go "wait, am I still in middle school?" and when I realize that the answer is no, I rip some hairs out. I couldn't not share this little gem...

"He broke up with me cause he fell out of love with me."
Photo: He broke up with me cause he fell out of love with me.
COOL STORY BRO. Would you like some sympathy comments? Here's one: I give zero fucks. Absolutely none. This is so ridiculous to me. Not only do I not care, but I really didn't need to see your tear streaked face on my news feed. Can't un-see this stuff.

I am just so over people acting like 12 year olds. Grow up. Thanks.

End Rant.

Babies: They're not toys.

I'm baaaack!

There has been something that I have wanted to rage about for a long time. At first I didn't because the person I want to rage about is also a blogger (mostly about shit no one cares about) and I was afraid she might come across it. Then I stopped caring, and here I am.

This one is pretty intense. I respect that there are many different styles of parenting, and I don't have kids so I don't usually question people's parenting techniques. But sometimes these things are in your face(book) so often that you can't help but notice. To be quite frank, there is a wrong way to parent, and my god has she mastered it.

Here is some background on this: the girl in question is someone that went to high school with me...kind of. I had one class with her and she had failed it so she was older than everyone and kind of odd, so obviously we are facebook friends now. She dropped out, married a guy in the navy (pretty soon after meeting him) and got pregnant. Now she has a poor, helpless, innocent child. Who doesn't stand a damn chance.

She has decided that there are some very evil things in this world. These things include: GMO's, baby formula, vaccines, medications, babies sleeping in their own beds, crying, disposable diapers, and circumcision.

Let me elaborate: Her son just turned one. He is circumcised, and according to her facebook she cries herself to sleep over it and wouldn't do it if she could do it over. I have no mother-effing clue why. She is a HUGE advocate of breastfeeding, which is great. But she is also incredibly ignorant to people's individual situations that might prevent it and publicly judges the shit out of them. She co-sleeps and never lets him cry about anything. She insists letting a baby "cry it out" is neglect. She puts him in cloth diapers because she claims disposable ones cause cancer. She recently started feeding him solid food but won't buy any name brand baby food cuz they have GMOs. Here comes my favorite: she will not vaccinate him or give him and medicine for anything. Here is my big issue with this: She dropped out of high school. Which pretty much guarantees she never went to med school. She makes wild claims about vaccines being all about making money. She is also a huge supporter of the whole "vaccines cause autism" thing, which is a very touchy subject with me. She won't give him any baby advil for teething (she has some ridiculous necklace on him that's supposed to help) and posted an article about how it is okay to let babies fevers get up to 107 degrees. ARE YOU SHITTING ME? That temperature will cause seizures and brain damage in adults (pre-med student, I have way more credibility). She is constantly citing wikipedia and other bullshit sources.

Basically, she is uneducated and ignorant. And stupid. There, I said it. I truely believe that child should be taken from her. Especially now that she's getting divorced. Which is happening extremely publicly via her facebook. It is just so hard to see people like her not working, sitting on her ass trolling the internet and pretending she has a medical degree. I am busting mine in college. Just saying. Please feel free to leave me some thoughts on this whole thing. I'd love to see if other people think she's as nuts as I do.

End Rant.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day: Thank God It's Over

Ah yes, election day. Rolls around once every 4 years, give or take. I absolutely understand that people have different views on different issues, and I firmly believe that there is no right or wrong answer. However, tonight on Facebook (that gem) I learned that my beliefs are false. There is a wrong answer, and it's called stupidity. I will come right out and say that I did not LOVE one candidate over another, but I had some issues with Mitt Romney's (Mittens, as I call him) jabs at my uterus (metaphorically, of course). So if that means I am democrat, fine. I don't really care for labels anyway. So it may seem that I am picking on the Republicans. Okay fine, I am. They are sore losers. That's not to say that democrats wouldn't have done the same thing, but that's sort of a non-issue, isn't it? ;) I digress. My issue with the very cranky republicans is that they (and I use the term 'they' loosely) seem to have this 'blanket' of characteristics they have assigned to liberals. And that just isn't fair. Here is one of the many statuses I had the displeasure of coming across tonight:

"Well, we pretty much knew Obama had the advantage. Welfare and entitlement voters are the majority these days."

Oh? I thought people over the age of 60 were the majority. Also, please define entitlement. I'm pretty sure we are entitled to vote, by definition. Don't even get my started on the whole welfare thing. That's a rage in itself.

It was downhill from there. Some of my favorite claims: "I'll be working for free", "He's gonna take our 2nd Amendment right" and of course, "I'm moving to Canada". The Canada one is my favorite. Please enjoy their lack of universal healthcare and conservative ways...oh wait...awkward. 

There was also a student that posted on the Virginia Tech Free & For Sale page and stated that he was "selling his diploma for $1 because it will be useless anyway". Then drop out. You are one less obnoxious person to take up a seat in a class I want. Don't bitch about your work being useless and then continue to work. It has approximately ZERO impact on my life. And side note, I'll buy it. There could be a half decent turn around on that.

Here is another one that I just can't even get over. It gets explicit after this, so please remove all children from the viewing area.

"Okay, time to pretend it's January 2017 and we have a Republican President. I'm going to my happy place right now and watching episode after episode of "The Office" until I pass out. Then I'm gonna take up drinking when I wake up so I never have to face reality. Oh my gosh - is that how the Democratic party was started?!"

OH MY GOD. YES. THAT'S EXACTLY HOW IT HAPPENED. Are you effing kidding me? That is the most unintelligent crock of bullshit I have ever seen. This person claims that is what could have started to democratic party BUT SHE'S GONNA GO DO IT. Does the word contradiction mean anything to you? Here is some reality for you: we haven't mastered time travel yet, so I suggest you get a grip. Or drink yourself into a stupor, I don't really care. 

So, moral of the story: it is what it is. You don't have to like it. You just have to deal with it (if I had a dollar for every time my dad said that to me...). I for one am just glad it's over with. Me and my liberal views are going to wake up and go to class tomorrow and get an education and THEN go to work. Which is do believe is the polar opposite of living off of welfare. Unless student loans count as welfare, in which case I am completely dependent. And guess what? I'm okay with it. And guess what else? It's none of your damn business. 
 The only good thing to come out of all the election day social media drama is this: I just made Romney noodles Obama self. End rant.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Not that anyone else really cares...

I realize that what I am about to complain doesn't apply to anyone but me, but it ticked me off. Here's a little bit of background info: At the fine establishment that is Panera Bread, we do catering. Because some orders are very large, the catering person (we'll call her Sally) has her very own "line" with all the things she needs to fill her orders. By line I mean big huge refrigerator thingy that holds pans of everything from sauces to delicious cold cuts. No one but Sally is allowed to use things out of this line, but Sally does not stock her line. The people who close at night are responsible for it, which is, in itself, ridiculous. It's a giant pain where the sun don't shine.

Now for the part that infuriates me: On Easter Sunday, I was working. I had also worked the day before, both early morning shifts. Needless to say, I didn't want to be there. So 2 o'clock rolled around and I asked if I could leave. I was asked to do the temperature log and then I could leave. So I did it...kinda. No one actually does the thing, it takes forever. So some I took the temp and some i just made up numbers. So I took the temp log to the manager and asked if I could go. Apparently, on Easter, it is a crime to be tired and sad that you're not with your family. I was told that I had to stock Sally's line before I could leave. All because I had asked to leave when my shift was over (ridiculous, I know). Not only do I disagree with having to do it as a closer, but now I was being told to do work that was not my responsibility. It took over an hour. On Easter. Did I mention it was Easter?

The point I'm trying to make is screw Panera. They're overpriced and rude. Your bread and soup is NOT worth my pain and suffering. Keep that in mind next time you have a craving for a panini. Thanks much :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Holy Lack of Education

Today's rant is brought to you by none other than the finest English teacher in Southwest Virginia (which is NOT a compliment)

Let me tell you what I wasted 55 minutes of my life (which I'll never get back) doing today...

I went to English class where my teacher started off my telling us she didn't finish grading our papers because she has 75 students and the papers are 6 pages long and so she has 350 pages to read! (To those of you who aren't so quick, it's 450. She's clearly underestimating herself.) She then spent the entire rest of the class going over what she referred to as "vital information for writing our next paper"...Here's what she said:

1. Staple your pages together
2. Print 2 copies or make sure you save your paper
3. Don't include any source material you didn't use

Is this real life?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Apparently, it's a touchy subject.

Well here I go again...remember the english teacher that can't form sentences that I mentioned? Let's elaborate. The woman cannot even keep her train of thought long enough to finish it. She cuts herself off and argues with herself and is really just strange. And she never says one single thing without writing it on the whiteboard. Which is just ridiculous. Well I am currently writing a paper for that class, and quite frankly, I want to find her and ask her what she was on while she was grading my last paper. It's an english class, not a "please insert your opinion and grade me based on whether or not you agree with my opinion" class. She missed the memo. The woman literally took my sentence that read "These numbers are overwhelming." and crossed out overwhelming and wrote interesting. Really? Not a fan of my adjective choice? I don't find those particular numbers interesting, actually. I may or may not purposely butcher this paper with questionable adjectives in high hopes that it makes her head explode...

On a side note, Anne Burrell on the Food Network just informed her viewers that if you have a peanut allergy, you could fry in canola instead. Anyone who has ever watched Good Eats knows that's entirely inaccurate. The allergy part is in the protein of the peanut, so people with peanut allergies can still use peanut oil. DUH, get it together Anne Burrell, yeesh.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Why I Rage...

Well, that answer is simple: I can't keep my mouth shut. When I see something that makes me angry, I have an overwhelming desire to say what I think. Normally I would just post it on Facebook, but that poses 2 problems:

1. Everyone can see it, whether they want to or not.
2. I can't talk about the people I'm Facebook friends with on Facebook...and they're usually the ones to piss me off in the first place.

So I've decided to make this my safe haven. I can vent and get it out of my system without hurting anyone's feelings. So here's what the complaints of the day are...

-People whose parents cater to them. How is anyone supposed to learn to be responsible and accountable if no one ever makes them? If everything is just handed to them all the time, they never have to work for or earn anything. They think that they can have whatever they want, whenever they want it. Newsflash: YOU CAN'T. Not in the real world. People in the real world are going to say "no" and make you work for the things you want. So unless you plan on living in your parents basement till you croak, I'd suggest you cut the umbilical cord, cuz obviously someone forgot to do it at birth.

-People of authority who are, essentially, incompetent. I payed over $4000.00 this semester to take classes and learn. That is most definitely not what is going on at that godforsaken school. I have an online class that is constantly submitting tests half way through, an english teacher who can't form a complete sentence to save her life, and a biology teacher who I'm approximately 86% sure is on some sort of methamphetamine. I would most definitely not call that a quality education. Thanks for wasting my money, you morons.

-Last, but not least, people who post their entire personal lives on Facebook. It's one thing to be like "this is what I did, where I did it, and who I did it with". It is another to post some of the things I've seen...

1. After a girl in my graduating class gave birth, she apparently passed a large bloody mass while urinating. She not only posted this on Facebook, but suggested that it was her child's unborn twin. Good Lord, if I wanted to hear about the gory details of your bathroom life, I would ask. Also, that sounds highly unlikely since she peed it and last time I checked, you don't pee babies. Yeesh...

2. Just this fine evening, a girl who gave birth not even a month ago (she's 18) posted this status; "Robert thinks he's getting a piece of ass for our anniversary." C'est la vie, if you don't learn your lesson from having a baby, you never will. That being said, I have no interest in your sex life. Hell, I have no interest in your life period. And isn't the point of a status to get some kind of feedback? What do you say to that? Good luck? Spare me.

Although I could go on forever, I'll call it a night so I have something to say tomorrow.

till then...