I'm baaaack!
There has been something that I have wanted to rage about for a long time. At first I didn't because the person I want to rage about is also a blogger (mostly about shit no one cares about) and I was afraid she might come across it. Then I stopped caring, and here I am.
This one is pretty intense. I respect that there are many different styles of parenting, and I don't have kids so I don't usually question people's parenting techniques. But sometimes these things are in your face(book) so often that you can't help but notice. To be quite frank, there is a wrong way to parent, and my god has she mastered it.
Here is some background on this: the girl in question is someone that went to high school with me...kind of. I had one class with her and she had failed it so she was older than everyone and kind of odd, so obviously we are facebook friends now. She dropped out, married a guy in the navy (pretty soon after meeting him) and got pregnant. Now she has a poor, helpless, innocent child. Who doesn't stand a damn chance.
She has decided that there are some very evil things in this world. These things include: GMO's, baby formula, vaccines, medications, babies sleeping in their own beds, crying, disposable diapers, and circumcision.
Let me elaborate: Her son just turned one. He is circumcised, and according to her facebook she cries herself to sleep over it and wouldn't do it if she could do it over. I have no mother-effing clue why. She is a HUGE advocate of breastfeeding, which is great. But she is also incredibly ignorant to people's individual situations that might prevent it and publicly judges the shit out of them. She co-sleeps and never lets him cry about anything. She insists letting a baby "cry it out" is neglect. She puts him in cloth diapers because she claims disposable ones cause cancer. She recently started feeding him solid food but won't buy any name brand baby food cuz they have GMOs. Here comes my favorite: she will not vaccinate him or give him and medicine for anything. Here is my big issue with this: She dropped out of high school. Which pretty much guarantees she never went to med school. She makes wild claims about vaccines being all about making money. She is also a huge supporter of the whole "vaccines cause autism" thing, which is a very touchy subject with me. She won't give him any baby advil for teething (she has some ridiculous necklace on him that's supposed to help) and posted an article about how it is okay to let babies fevers get up to 107 degrees. ARE YOU SHITTING ME? That temperature will cause seizures and brain damage in adults (pre-med student, I have way more credibility). She is constantly citing wikipedia and other bullshit sources.
Basically, she is uneducated and ignorant. And stupid. There, I said it. I truely believe that child should be taken from her. Especially now that she's getting divorced. Which is happening extremely publicly via her facebook. It is just so hard to see people like her not working, sitting on her ass trolling the internet and pretending she has a medical degree. I am busting mine in college. Just saying. Please feel free to leave me some thoughts on this whole thing. I'd love to see if other people think she's as nuts as I do.
End Rant.
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